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Control Sum

Control sum

Use control sum check-up - serves for tracking module source codes changes. Module source codes changes refer to the changes of the file content, memory changes during the module start and work. The reasons of source codes changes can be cracks or viruses.

In case any modifications of the module file or the module memory are detected during the module start, the execution process will be terminated.

Run-time integrity checking - enables the technique of monitoring the memory source code modifications during the module work. Most executables have parts of the codes located in the memory with read only access characteristics, the current technique continuously watches the read-only memory parts and checks these control sums. In case any modification is detected, the process will be terminated immediately. The modifications of the memory parts with read-only characteristics can be caused only by the influence of crackers or viruses.

File integrity checking - allows to check any change of the protected file. This option is compatible with the digital signing and changing of control sum value in the PE file header.

Show Message before termination - enable it if you need to notify the user about the module change and module termination. To edit the message, press "Design Message" button. In case the option is disabled, the execution of the module will be terminated without notification.