Creating Keys
To create a registration key for the existing project you can use special Enigma Protector service - registration key generator. The generator of registration keys can be built into the Enigma Protector or user shell.
Using the built-in registration key generator.
Follow these steps to use the built-in keys generator:
- choose the output registration key type in the Registration Features - Common panel.
- open The Enigma Protector and choose Main menu-Tools-Keys Generator menu.
- Registration name - specific information that will define the user that the registration key is generated for. The registration name should be distributed together with the registration key. This field can't be empty. Please note, the registration information can be used by the key generator in the ANSI or unicode format, select the type of registration scheme in the Registration Features - Common panel. The current type of registration scheme (ANSI or UNICODE) is shown in the window header;
- Add hyphens - the key will contain hyphens;
- Expiration date - the date after which the registration key will become invalid. To view the expiration date of the current registration key inside your application, use the Enigma API function EP_RegKeyExpirationDate;
- Register After - set this date to limit the start date of the allowed registration period. If the registration is performed before this day, the key will be deemed invalid, otherwise the key will be valid. To return the Register After date inside your application use the Enigma API EP_RegKeyRegisterAfterDate;
- Register Before - set this date to limit the end date of the allowed registration period. If the registration is performed before this day, then the key will be deemed valid, otherwise the key will be invalid. To return the Register Before date inside your application use the Enigma API EP_RegKeyRegisterBeforeDate;
- Country - select the country the generated key will be locked to. This feature means that the registration will only be valid on a PC located in the specified country. To get the country of the user PC use the Enigma API EP_MiscCountryCode;
- Executions - enter the number of executions to limit the registration key to. The registration key will only be valid for the specified number of executions of the unregistered protected application. To get information about the total and remaining number executions inside your application use the Enigma API EP_RegKeyExecutions;
- Days - enter the number of days to limit the registration key to. The registration key will only be valid for the specified number of day since the first execution of the protected application. To get the total and remaining number of days use the Enigma API EP_RegKeyDays;
- Run Time - enter the number of minutes the registration key will be valid for since the protected application is run. The registration key will become valid at each execution and expire after the specified number of minutes. To get the number of remaining and total Run-time minutes inside your application use the Enigma API EP_RegKeyRuntime;
- Global Time - enter the number of minutes of Global Time to limit the registration key to. The Global Time means the sum of the minutes of all executions of the registered protected application. To get the number of remaining and total Global Time minutes while the application is working use the Enigma API EP_RegKeyGlobalTime;
- Hardware ID - the unique computer identificator. This feature allows locking the registration key to a particular computer, i.e. the registration key will only be valid on the computer having the hardware ID used for key generation. Use the Enigma API function EP_RegHardwareID to get the hardware ID string from the user's PC. See the Hardware Lock panel for the options available for hardware locking.
- Section - select the encrypted section that will be decrypted with the generated registration key. See Markers Reg_Crypt to learn more about encrypted sections.
Built-in registration keys generator supports simple interface for logging of generated keys. There is also an ability to mark keys as stolen to make them invalid after protection. Enigma Protector stores log database in the file with the same name as name of project file but only with .keys.log extension. Once the file size of log database exceeds 1 MBytes, file will be backed-up with the 001.keys.log (002.keys.log and so on) extension. While protection Enigma Protector is looking for a log database and it's backup files to find all registration keys marked as stolen to block them.
Enable capturing of generated licenses - enables logging of all registration keys that are being generated in the keys generator.
License log allows only simple storing of generated registration keys, for the better handling of customers and their licenses the License Manager can be used.
Using custom registration key generators.
Enigma Protector supports a service for creating custom shells of registration key generators (See Custom Keys Generator).