Registration Dialog Designer
The Registration Dialog Designer allows you to design a custom registration dialog, to apply your own styles and window controls configuration. Here you can put your own controls in the form and define registration events. The registration dialog designer contains 3 forms:
Components Palette
Contains a set of available components that you can put in the registration form. The main menu of the form allows you to show Object Inspector and Designed Form. The description of the components' properties can be seen below. To place a component on the registration form, click the necessary component on the Component Palette and then click on the Registration Form to put the component in the necessary position.
There are the following controls available:
- TForm - the registration form itself;
- TEdit control allows you to enter the registration name and key, shows the hardware ID or contains any user text;
- TLabel control allows you to show any text;
- TGroupBox control allows you to group several controls in the form and also may contain a header text;
- TMemo control is very similar to TEdit control, but may have multiple lines of the text;
- TButton is a push button control that allows managing user actions such as registering, closing the application or continuing the execution;
- TSpeedButton control is very similar to TButton, but may also contain an image;
- TLink control allows you to open a browser window, a default email client, some text file in the external window or open/execute any other file;
- TImage control allows you to draw a simple geometric shape in the form;
- TShape control allows you to place an image in the form;
- TBevel control allows you to create beveled boxes, frames, or lines;
- TPanel control allows you to put an empty panel in the form. Panels have features for providing a beveled border around the control, as well as methods to help manage the placement of child controls embedded in the panel;
File menu
- Load from File - allows you to load the registration form from an external file;
- Save to File - allows you to save the current registration form to an external file;
- Exit - exit the designer;
Edit menu
- Cut - cut selected control(s) from clipboard;
- Copy - copy selected control(s) to clipboard;
- Paste - paste copied/cut control(s) from clipboard to the form;
- Delete - delete selected control(s) from the form;
- Select All - select all control(s) on the form;
- Bring to Front - bring selected control(s) to the front;
- Send to Back - send selected control(s) to the back;
- Align to Grid - align selected control(s) to the grid;
View menu
- Object Inspector - shows Object Inspector;
- Designed Form - shows the designed registration form;
Registration Form
It is a form that will be shown to the users for them to enter registration information. Click on the necessary component that is placed on this form and its properties will be shown in the Object Inspector. To delete the component from the form, right-click the component and select Delete item in the appeared pop-up menu, or press the Del key (Note: the registration form cannot be deleted).
Right-clicking shows the registration form pop-up menu.
- Cut - cut selected control(s) from clipboard;
- Copy - copy selected control(s) to clipboard;
- Paste - paste copied/cut control(s) from clipboard to the form;
- Delete - delete selected control(s) from the form;
- Select All - select all control(s) on the form;
- Bring to Front - bring selected control(s) to the front;
- Send to Back - send selected control(s) to the back;
- Align to Grid - align selected control(s) to the grid;
Object Inspector
Selected the component properties are shown here. Navigate to the necessary control description to learn more about its properties.