Installed ServicesUse checkup of installed services - checks the installed services. Warning: the feature does NOT support Windows 95, 98 and ME and requires Administaror privileges. It allows you to make your own list of the "black" services that could not be installed together with the protected module. You can define checkup parameters (click on the columns to edit): column "Action" - you will see the list of available checkups for the services, the common ones are:
column "Name" - define the name of the service to search. column "Display Name " - an expanded service name. Add Service - press this button to add a service(s) into the list. Note: you may add any service to the list and then edit it as you want. The appeared window shows you all the services that are currently installed in your system. Show message before termination - if the Enigma detects that there is a service that matches the criteria installed, it will show a message and will be terminated. To edit the warning message, press "Design Message" button. |