Executed CopiesUse limitation of count of executed copies - serves for limiting the number of simultaneously executed module copies. Allow copies - choose the possible count of simultaneously executed copies of the module. Terminate Execution - with this option enabled, the execution will be terminated if the number of simultaneously executed copies of the protected application exceeds the defined value. This option may be very helpful for checking the copies count manually through the EP_CheckupCopies Enigma API. Show message if copies count is exceeded - if the count of simultaneously executed copies of the module exceeds the value defined in the "Allow copies" field, a warning message will be shown and execution of the module will be stopped. To edit the warning message, press "Design Message" button. While the module is starting, the Enigma loader will be checking how many copies of the current module have already been executed, if the module count exceeds the defined value, then execution will be stopped. |