FilesEnable Files virtual box - an enabled Virtual Box feature for files. The Files Virtual Box allow you to embed any kind of external files that your application uses for a single executable file. After the protection, you may delete all the files listed in Virtual Box, the application will work without them. Virtual Box supports any kind of embedded files, txt, dll (dll files will be correctly processed and initializated when the application requires them, ActiveX files will be registered at the file start), avi, mp3, bpl, ocx and many others. Delete extracted files on exit - this works only with the files that have "Always Write to Disk" or "Write if not Present" actions. When the protected module is terminated, the Enigma loader will attempt to delete the extracted files from the disk. Compress Files - enables compression of Virtual Box files. It is not recommended to use this option because it requires more memory to execute, increases execution time and decreases the protection of the Virtual Box files. The advantage is that it allows you to decrease the size of the file protected. Click the Add button to add the files or folders into the list. There are the following adding functions available (all functions are also available through the right-click pop-up menu):
To delete a file or a folder, select it and click the Delete button or press the Del key. File PropertiesTo Edit the file or folder properties, select it and click the Edit button, or double-click the necessary item. File Path - points to the real file that will be embedded. This file must exist. Click the Browse button to change the file. Virtual Path - specifies the position of the file in the virtual files list. Note that a virtual path can be started from a pre-defined folder (relative path) or from a drive letter (absolute path). There are the following pre-defined folder names that can be used for a start of the Virtual Path:
Register as ActiveX (COM) component - if the option is enabled, Enigma Virtual Box will try to register this file as a ActiveX (COM) library at file start. Please note, if the file will be run without administrator privileges then the registry access may be limited, and attempt to register ActiveX component in real registry will fail. To avoid it, enable Registry Virtualization and make sure HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key is virtual, so all registry changes (changes are being performed while ActiveX registration) are done in virtual registry only, without care of administrator privileges. Virtualization Method - specifies how the file will be processed: it will be either extracted to the disk when the protected file starts, or fully emulated in the memory. There are the following options available :
Overwrite File Date/Time - enter the date and the time values that will be applied to embedded file. If option is not checked, the time settings of real file are used. Overwrite File Attributes - specify attributes for virtual file. If option is not checked, attributes of real file are used. Hide files and folders from File Open/Save dialogs - Available in Enigma Protector only. Folder PropertiesFile Path - points to the real file that will be embedded. This file must exists. Click on Browse button to change the file. Overwrite File Date/Time - enter the date and the time values that will be applied to this folder Overwrite File Attributes - specify attributes for virtual folder New Content in Folder - determines the behavior of virtualization system if application attempts to create new files and folders within virtual folder, it can be either:
Hide files and folders from File Open/Save dialogs - disables file enumeration for system functions. Enumeration, apart of File Open/Save dialogs is used by crackers to identify virtual files and possible extract them. To avoid that, it is recommended to use this option for as many files as possible, until the application keeps stable. Please note, this option has critical incompatibility with particular files, so it can't be used for them; Apply same properties for all child folders and properties recursively - assigns same properties to all nested files and folders |