EP_CheckupIsEnigmaOkEP_CheckupIsEnigmaOk function checks the integrity of the protection code. It is a useful function that can check the control sum of Enigma loader and protection itself, and if there are any errors, i.e. if the protection sum of the loader is invalid, this function returns 0. The protection code should not have any modifications, but if a cracker attempts to remove the protection or just to analyse it, this function fails and returns a zero value. Return ValueIf the protection is OK and has not been modified, the function returns 1, otherwise - if protection is corrupted - the return value is 0. DefinitionShow/Hide C++ function definition extern "C" __declspec( dllimport ) __stdcall BOOL EP_CheckupIsEnigmaOk(); Show/Hide Delphi function definition Show/Hide Visual Basic function definition Show/Hide C# (.NET) function definition ExamplesShow/Hide Delphi function example See function examples in the installation folder, Examples\CheckEnigma subfolder. |