Key PropertiesThe features from this page allow you to limit the usage of different types of registration keys. For example, if you have enabled the "Allow only hardware locked keys" option, the application will apply only the registration keys that have been generated with the hardware I., If the registration key was generated without a hardware ID, it will be deemed invalid by the application even if it is valid. Such features are also important for avoiding illegal usage of the registration keys (that were probably stolen or illegaly generated) if you are planning to constantly use any of these limitations for all the registration keys. Allow only hardware locked keys - allows only hardware locked registration keys. Allow only time limited keys - allows only registration keys with the Expiration Key Date. Allow only keys with Register After date - allows only registration keys with the Register After date Allow only keys with Register Before date - allows only registration keys with the Register Before date Allow only executions limited keys - allows only registration keys that are limited by the number of executions Allow only days limited keys - allows only registration keys that are limited by the number of days Allow only run-time limited keys - allows only registration keys that have a run-time limit Allow only global time limited keys - allows only registration keys that have a Global Time limit Allow only country locked keys - allows only registration keys that are limited to a particular country |