Creating a map file
This topic explains how map files can be created for applying in Virtual Machine. Current version of The Enigma Protector supports map files created in Delphi, Borland C++ Builder and MS Visual Studio.
Delphi up to version 7
Delphi 2007 and later (2009, 2010)
Borland C++ Builder up to version 7
Microsoft Visual C++ up to 6.0
Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 and later (2005, 2008)
Creating a map file in Delphi:
- Open the project of your module in Delphi.
- In the Main Manu select "Project" -> "Options", or just press Shift+Ctrl+F11. You will see the following window:

- Select the "Linker" tab and select the "Detailed" radio button on the "Map File" panel:

- Compile your project. In the output folder you should see the executable file of your module and the same file with the .map extension. This .map file can be used to enable "Virtual Machine" features.
Creating a map file in Delphi 2007 and later:
- Open the project of your module in Delphi;
- In the Main Manu select "Project" -> "Options", or just press Shift+Ctrl+F11. In the appeared window select the "Linker" item in the left navigation panel, then select "Map file - Detailed";

- Compile your project. In the output folder you should see the executable file of your module and the same file with the .map extension. This .map file can be used to enable "Virtual Machine" features
Creating a map file in Borland C++ Builder:
- Open the project of your module in C++ Builder
- In the Main Manu select "Project" -> "Options", or just press Shift+Ctrl+F11. You will see the following window:

- Select the "Linker" tab and select the "Detailed" radio button on the "Map File" panel:

- Compile your project. In the output folder you should see the executable file of your module and the same file with the .map extension. This .map file can be used to enable "Virtual Machine" features.
Creating a map file in MS Visual C++:
- Open the project of your module in MS Visual C++
- In the Main Menu select "Project" - "Settings" or press Alt + F7

- Select "Link" tab and "Category" - "Debug"

- Enable the "Generate mapfile" option

Creating a map file in MS Visual Studio 2003:
- Open the project of your module in MS Visual C++;
- In the Main Menu select Project - Properties;
- In the appeared window select Configuration Properties - Linker - Debugging from the left navigation panel, set Generate Map File to Yes;

Warning: the map file changes after every compilation, make sure you are using the correct pair of the module executable and map file.